Why Symposium?

The OCP Future Technologies Symposium is a bi-annual event that spotlights promising future technologies in the IT Ecosystem. It brings to the OCP Community a forward-looking funnel of technologies which focus on solving future problems facing the industry, and accelerate productization through partnerships and open source R&D.


The global academic, research, startup and venture communities are invited to participate to show their cutting-edge technologies and ongoing research and development projects. It is a unique opportunity to expose up-and-coming, best-in-class researchers and students to the professional community for purposes of product development, training, networking and recruitment.

Our Mission

Innovation: To bring to the OCP Community a forward-looking funnel of new technologies and accelerate their productization through partnerships.

Technology scale: Focus on future technologies that can help grow, drive, and support the open hardware ecosystem in, near, and around the datacenter and global IT Ecosystem.

People: Connect best-in-class researchers, students and startups to the professional community for purposes of collaboration, training and recruitment

Our key success metric is adoption of future technologies by the OCP members and IT Ecosystem. Adoption can be of different kinds, such as OCP members adopting technologies from the OCP Symposium, investing in R&D projects and startups, creating partnerships with OCP FTS communities.

Extended partnership with OCP Future Technologies Initiative

The Symposium works in partnership with OCP FTI.

The Future Technologies Initiative (FTI) is an Open Compute Project Foundation (OCP) initiative that brings together research communities with industry members to partner in addressing long-term problems and accelerate productization through collaborative R&D.

The ongoing FTI Workstreams:

  • AI Hardware-Software Co-Design (Link)
  • Cloud Service Model (Link)
  • Computational Storage (Link)

If you have any questions regarding the OCP Future Technologies Initiative (FTI) please reach out to the FTI Chair, Allan Smith.