Test and Validation Enablement Initiative

- Project Lead
- Dan Frame
If you're building open sourced hardware, shouldn't the software that test that hardware be open sourced too?
In the T&V project we fully believe in the above statement. Our goals are to:
- Make tests and diagnostics more portable between different users.
- Standardize an I/O format for diagnostics.
- Build a community for sharing diagnostics.
Call Calendar
These meeting are recorded via audio and video. By participating you consent that these recordings may be made publicly available. Any presentation materials, proposals and meeting minutes are published on the respective project's wiki page and are open to the public in accordance to OCP's Bylaws and IP Policy. This can be found at http://opencompute.org/about/ocp-policies/. If you have any questions please contact OCP.
OCP Strategic Initiatives - Test and Validation Enablement Calendar
The calendar displayed here is updated nightly from the project's Groups.io Calendar