Membership Directory
This page contains a list of organizations who are OCP Corporate Members.
Information about the benefits and requirements of OCP Corporate Membership can be found on the Membership page.
For general OCP questions please see the OCP Basics slide deck.
If you have any questions about OCP Corporate membership or your organization's status please contact or Michael Schill (OCP Community Director).
OCP Accepted and OCP Inspired

OCP Accepted™ - A product can be recognized as OCP Accepted™ if it complies with an approved OCP specification AND design files have been contributed (Design Package Guidelines).
OCP Inspired™ - A product can be recognized as OCP Inspired™ if it complies with an approved OCP specification or other types of contribution; HOWEVER, no design files have been contributed.
OCP Accepted™ or OCP Inspired™ products have been demonstrated and meet 4 or more of the OCP tenets-efficiency, openness, impact, scale and efficiency.
All levels of OCP membership are eligible for OCP Accepted™ and OCP Inspired™ recognition.
OCP Ready
The OCP Facility Recognition program is intended to brand your facilities to be OCP Ready. Guidelines were created by our Data Center Facility Project Team and serve as a reference for data center operators and tenants who want to understand the fundamental facility requirements to deploy this gear into their IT space. Facilities that meet these guidelines and approved by the OCP DC Facilities Project receive the certification as an OCP Ready facility.