DC Automation

- Project Leads
- Eric Xu, Avinash Panga, Shashank Gupta
The DC Automation Sub-Project was formed to promote, support and guide development of physical automation solutions related to the data centers. We aim to use automation technologies to boost the physical operation efficiency and safety in data centers and supporting infrastructure. This sub-project will provide direction with respect to known industry challenges and engage industry partners to develop relevant technology roadmaps aiming to achieve safer and more efficient operations. OCPs unique combination of hyperscale influence, vendors and projects can be leveraged to accelerate the industry’s automation goals.
Regular Project Calls
These meetings are recorded via audio and video. By participating you consent that these recordings may be made publicly available. Any presentation materials, proposals and meeting minutes are published on the respective project's wiki page and are open to the public in accordance with OCP's Bylaws and IP Policy. This can be found at https://www.opencompute.org/about/ocp-policies/. If you have any questions please contact OCP.
OCP - DCF - DC Automation Zoom Room
- https://opencompute-org.zoom.us/j/85809008726?pwd=aHE0NTdDZ2FiLytXY2sxbnJIMkpqdz09
- Meeting ID: 858 0900 8726
- Passcode: 676776
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The DC Automation Sub-Project is under the direction of the OCP Data Center Facilities Project Group.
DC Automation Calendar
The calendar displayed here is updated nightly from the project's Groups.io Calendar