C&I WIki Portal/OCP Checkbox
OCP Checkbox
Checkbox is a test harness used to execute test cases for OCP Ready and OCP Certification testing. It's a command line driven tool written in Python. OCP checkbox is capable of executing test scripts written in a variety of languages (Python, Bash, Perl, C, etc).
Checkbox began as a script called hwtest and was written by people at Canonical. As the initial script grew into a more functional test harness, it was renamed "Checkbox" and has been the testing tool used for Ubuntu certification for many years. The upstream checkbox project is fully open sourced as is the OCP branch of Checkbox. Anyone can contribute code to the tool at any time.
How to Participate
There are a number of ways you can participate in making this tool better for OCP.
Join the dev team
There is a team set up on Launchpad for people who wish to contribute:
You can always submit code to the project.
- The source code can be found here: https://code.launchpad.net/~opencompute-developers/opencompute/checkbox
- It is stored on launchpad and uses bzr as it's control system: http://bazaar.canonical.com/en/
We can always use new documentation, be it user guides, development guides, wiki pages, etc.
Feel free to install and run Checkbox. It runs well on Ubuntu and should run on Debian. It will also run on CentOS, RHEL and other Linuxes, but the test scripts themselves will need porting as they rely on Ubuntuisms in some cases.
Bug Reporting
Please feel free to file bugs on problems encountered or requests for enhancements:
Primarily, we hang out on the opencompute-ci mailing list and IRC Channel #ocp-ci on Freenode.